Offering Free pregnancy services and more

If you or someone you love is facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy, it’s essential to know you are not alone in this journey.

Birthright is an independent organization and pregnancy support center dedicated to giving women of all ages, races, and economic backgrounds the help, tools, and knowledge they need regarding their pregnancy.

Louise Summerhill founded Birthright in 1968 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. What started as a small grassroots project has grown into an international crisis pregnancy service that has over 300 chapters across the globe.

Although we help thousands of women each month, we continue to treat each of our clients with the same compassion, respect, and individualized attention they deserve.

What We Offer

We offer free pregnancy testing, counseling, and other services to guide you through an unexpected pregnancy.

Our team is taught to approach unexpected or difficult pregnancies in a non-judgmental way. We listen to your story with an open mind and heart.

Birthright offers a full range of free pregnancy services to women and families in the Winston-Salem area. From pregnancy counseling and free testing to suggesting abortion alternatives, we are here to serve you.

We’re Here When You Need Us

Birthright of Winston-Salem Helps

… any girl or woman who feels overwhelmed by an unplanned pregnancy regardless of age, race, religion, marital, or economic status.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Is There

…for every woman who calls 
336-774-0456 or 336-774-0455 24/7 for help. Whether you need an anonymous pregnancy test or friendship and support lasting through the delivery and beyond, Birthright of Winston-Salem is there every step of the way. You are unique, and you deserve individual treatment.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Cares

…for every woman and does not pass judgment on the “quality” of life or circumstances of pregnancy. What’s in the past is in the past, and we will not dwell on what’s happened. Birthright of Winston-Salem simply asks, “How can we help you overcome this?” No matter how difficult a situation may seem right now, we will help you plan constructively for your future.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Allows

…each woman to ask questions and explore her options without feeling pressured or judged.

Birthright of Winston-Salem DOES NOT

…engage in the public debate on abortion.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Maintains

…an after-phone line for questions, advice, or to make an appointment: 336-774-0455

…hundreds of local drop-in chapters.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Helps

…through one-on-one contact with the woman in need and those around her. We provide personal attention to each woman to ensure the best care.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Gives

…its services free of charge. As a tax-exempt, charitable organization, Birthright of Winston-Salem exists solely because of its donors’ and volunteers’ financial and moral support. We are independent and not affiliated with any religious or political group or public agency.

Birthright of Winston-Salem Waits

…for as long as you need a friend. Birthright of Winston-Salem is here to provide the companionship and the help you need.

Our History

Over 50 Years of Service to Women

Birthright began very humbly in 1968 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Louise Summerhill, a busy housewife and mother of seven children, felt something should be done to help women through unplanned pregnancies. Events in Louise’s life helped her understand the feelings pregnant girls might experience, including feelings of loneliness, fear of criticism, tension with parents, and even the shock of finding oneself unexpectedly pregnant.

With a one-room office in Toronto and only $300 in the bank, Louise began Birthright, an emergency pregnancy center. Her steady leadership and powerful vision ensured that the new pregnancy service survived. The grassroots response to her idea was overwhelming, and the Toronto chapter quickly grew into Birthright International, the world’s first international pregnancy crisis service.

Relying On Others

In later years, Louise was glad the organization did not begin with a lot of money because it caused Birthright to rely on the “good hearts and hard work of volunteers” to provide “lots of love and common sense.” Over 50 years later, Birthright International remains true to Louise’s original vision of personal, one-on-one contact in helping relationships. Louise’s Birthright means “approachability and informality” for clients and volunteers instead of bureaucracy and meetings in highly structured, business-like environments.

Birthright has hundreds of chapters worldwide. Many Birthright volunteers and clients feel a special affection for Louise Summerhill, an ordinary woman who did something extraordinary to help others. An estimated 28,000 women make their first visit to a Birthright chapter every month.

Birthright is a fully independent organization, not affiliated with any church or public agency.

We Help You Plan For Unplanned Pregnancies

Birthright takes a “non-moralistic, non-judgmental” approach toward helping women through their pregnancy dilemmas. Louise regretted the fact that some young unmarried mothers were belittled or ostracized by their relatives for teen pregnancy: “I can never see anything wrong with any of them.”

Louise recreated the supportive, home-like environment they deserved to have. Moreover, Louise helped formulate a Charter, followed by all Birthright chapters worldwide, to define Birthright’s services, to ensure that pregnant women receive the same considerate treatment at every Birthright chapter, and help volunteers preserve Birthright’s good reputation.

Practical And Emotional Support

Today, Birthright of Winston-Salem is proud to keep the mission of Louise Summerhill alive. Founded in 1969 by Terry Weaver, Birthright of Winston-Salem was the first organization of its kind in the United States and continues to offer a judgment-free atmosphere where a pregnant woman can express her concerns and find both practical and emotional support.

We’ll do everything we can to assist you in making the best decision about your pregnancy. We also provide a variety of other services to help you make a workable plan for your future.

You may feel overwhelmed right now, but you are not alone. Birthright of Winston-Salem listens to your concerns and helps you plan for your future. Call 336-774-0456 (after-hours 336-774-0455) today or visit us; no appointment is necessary. Let’s talk.